Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Exemplification Essay

Beautiful Beach

     I.            INTRODUCTION
Thesis Statement: According to the tourists’ opinion, based on the result of the Indonesia’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s survey, there are three beaches in Indonesia which have magnificent scenery.

II.               BODY
A.         The first beach that will amaze you with the scenery is Senggigi Beach in Lombok.
a)   Calm waves.
b)   Marvelous coral reefs.
c)    Amazing temple called Batu Bolong.

B.         The second beach with the wonderful scenery is Kuta Beach in Bali.
a)         Challenging waves.
b)         Beautiful sunset.

C.         Then, we move on from Bali to Bangka Belitung that has Parai Tenggiri Beach with some fabulous scenery.
a)         Beautiful Sunrise.
b)         White sand.
c)          Amazing Rock Island.

Beautiful Beach

Indonesia is a rich country of the natural beauty, one of which is the beauty of the beach. Because of the beauty, it is a fact that the beaches of Indonesia are often visited by tourists, both local tourists and foreign tourists. All of the Indonesia beaches provide its own beauty in the heart of a million people, but according to the tourists’ opinion, based on the result of the Indonesia’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s survey, there are three beaches in Indonesia which have magnificent scenery.

The first beach that will amaze you with the scenery is Senggigi Beach in Lombok. Calm waves brought to the mainland coast soothing everyone who saw it. Calm waves become an advantage for the tourists who like snorkeling to see the underwater beauty of the beach. Marvelous coral reefs that tower into the middle of the sea make the waves break in the middle. It gives more beauty for the beach. The tourists also can find an amazing temple called Batu Bolong which is built on the reef located on the waterfront. According to the local legend, a long time ago, a virgin were often sacrificed to the sharks in this place. Another legend says many women threw themselves from this place into the sea because of a broken heart.

The second beach with the wonderful Scenery is Kuta Beach in Bali. The waves are challenging, so that it makes the tourists’ heart is stirred to surf. Another beauty of the beach can be seen when the sun will set. The beautiful sunset makes the tourists feel to stay there and hypnotize the tourists to revisit the beach during the holiday.

Then, we move on from Bali to Bangka Belitung that has Parai Tenggiri Beach with some fabulous scenery. Forenoon is the perfect time to enjoy the beautiful sunrise in the beach. White sand beach that lay on the edge of the beach makes everyone who sees be amazed. The beach is also decorated with an amazing Rock Island which is a small island located at the end of the beach area. To reach the island we have to pass through a two hundred meters bridge. White stone cliffs give more beauty for the island.

            In conclusion, Senggigi beach, Kuta beach, and Parai beach Tenggiri are the examples of beautiful beach that has an incredible sight. Therefore, it is not surprising if the beaches have a large number of visitors.

(Kalo masih ada grammatical mistakes harap dimaklumi ya... Tidak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini... hehehe...)

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